September 11/ 9-11

                                                        News from Last Week

         September 11/ 9-11 Is a Historical day in U.S History. Due to the disasters that happened that day. It was one of the saddest days in U.S history because thousands of people died family members died outside and inside the buildings people went inside buildings to save other people and died because of the smoke risked their lives to save other people. People from the top of the buildings jumped because the didn't want to get burned inside the building or collapse.

 Not only the collapse of twin towers was the only terror attack another hijacked plane had had hit the Pentagon in Arlington,Virginia. A symbol of the U.S Military and is often used to refer to the U.S Department of Defense. At last, the very last plane hit in a random forest in Pennsylvania and people at that plane saved people and risked their lives to save people and where the plane was headed too. A a fact about this attack 4 hijackers had control of the fourth plane and was part of the 9/11 attacks.


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