If I was the president

                                      If I was the president of the United States of America 

           If I were to be the president of the United States of America I would let immigrants from around the world without committing a crime let them live here in the United States of America. What would I also do is have no border between our two countries which and Mexico and Canada. I would also have a strict rule on gun violence, and I would also make America a safe place to live in. I would make the rich people pay more money and on bills,taxes and more, and let the poor get money and let them have a job and a house to live in and they play less money. 

          If I were to be the president of the United States of America I would send the people without a clean sheet meaning haven't committed a crime like hasent killed,robed, and much more,. Then  I would keep people that haven't committed a crime. At last, I would not join wars or say an opinion about a country. The reason is because they could get mad send a alert then maybe I say something and might hurt our people/country and it would be our fault if that happens.


  1. I am super impressed by the thought and effort put into this post. You did amazing! You will make an amazing president one day, as well! Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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