My Favorite Animal

                                                                      My Favorite Animal

My Favorite Animal is the Lion and I’m going to tell you facts about the Lion. One fact about Lions is that they mostly hunt at night and have about 50% of success. The second fact about Lions is that they are also a national animal for some countries including Belgium, Netherlands, Albania, Singapore, Bulgaria, England, Ethiopia, and Luxembourg. Another fact about the Lion is that can roar until the age of 2 years. An interesting facts about Lions is that unlike other cats Lions are great swimmers. Another interesting facts about Lions is that Lions eat about 18 pounds of meat per day that would be like a human eating more than 70 hamburgers. At last, Lions don't live in jungles even though Lions are called the "King of the Jungle".  

Did you know that Lions might be extinct by the year if 2020?


  1. Thank you for sharing your post this week! I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into your research and I would love to see links for where you found your information, thank you!


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