New Year Resolutions
New Year Resolutions
My family and I don’t do the New Year Resolutions but I do them just to be better next year and the next and so on. Planing for the future is good but things might happen during the year that your was you’re New Year Resolution that you might not do anymore. An Example: Going to the gym everyday you might not do that during the corse of the year maybe because of work, Family Problems, and more. Most people do New year Resolutions do be better and do better so then, next year they could have different goals on what they want to improve on. These are my year year resolutions. My first one is to get good grades so I could look forward on a good high school and college. My second resolution is to better fast in speed I pretty much am but I just what to be faster. My third resolution in to be in the final lineup for Dallas, Texas for a soccer tournament. Finally, my last resolution in to get no fouls during the last part of the school year in 6th grade, and these are my new year resolutions for 2018.
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